Sunday, 1 October 2017

Radio Free Somerset

 Radio Free Somerset
Almost as soon as Mosley became Prime Minister the BBC became the propaganda voice of the Royalist’s and BUF government. Many of the newly formed militias set up radio stations to put over their side of the news and other anti-government information. Radio Free Somerset is one of these.

 A farm is in the centre of the table, with a road running down one side. The farm has a main house and some out buildings. There is a track leading away from the farm across the fields. The rest of the table is fields, orchards or small woods.
General Situation
The radio is in a lorry parked in the farmyard.
Both sides need to draw a map of their deployment.
MAP (draw up your own)
Red Forces
Troop List
Platoon Commander with pistol
Platoon Sergeant with SMG
2x runners
3x 10 man sections each with an SMG and LMG the rest armed with rifles.
Armoured car
3x vans/ Lorries
There is a 50% chance that 1 section is a police section (see platoon generator) and are only armed with rifles.
Red forces set up at either end of the table.
Destroy or capture the radio lorry.

Blue Forces
Troop List
Platoon Commander with pistol
Platoon Sergeant with SMG
Anti-tank team or Roadside Bomb Team
3x 10 man sections each with an SMG and LMG the rest armed with rifles.
There is a 50% chance that 1 section is Raw and reluctant (see platoon generator).
Draw a map of your deployment. 1 section must be with the radio lorry the other 2 within 24” from any farm building. There is a 50% chance the lorry will bog if it tries to move down the track. Dice each time it moves.

Get the radio lorry off table or destroy/drive off Red force.


  1. Monsewer Crapaud1 October 2017 at 13:28

    I believe those are my Franco-Belge "Jeanne d'Arc" btn fighting for Archbishop of Canterbury!

    1. And my Blackshorts and Territorials :)

  2. Going through some old pictures to add some colour to the posts.

    1. It's great to see them - I've lost loads of VBCW photos since Photobucket started holding them for ransom!

  3. Replies
    1. Thanks, all of the games I'm going to post are based on ones I've played.
