Monday, 3 June 2013

Great Weekend at Partizan

The table. sorry about the light
 So here are the first 3 photo's from Partizan. What a great weekend. Beer and chat with Smillie on Saturday night has got me working on some pulp/roll-play rules for VBCW. Then a great game on Sunday, along with a lot more chat.
The Hospital.

One wing.
The table 14x6 was filled with some of best figures and scenery you can imagine. Everyone had bought their best stuff.
We had a lot of interest in the game and VBCW in general. More photo's and a battle report later. Hope the video works.


  1. Great Pictures mate, and the video was a nice touch.

  2. Smart buddy, really smart.

  3. Pleased to hear all went well and you had lashings of fun.

  4. Lovely stuff! Great show, wish I'd been there.
