An early table. Not much cover. |
As I seem to have about 1000 VBCW photo's i thought I'd start to put some on the blog. These are from some of the first games I played at my old house.
BUF armoured skip. |
We started with the idea of mixing Empress and Muskeeter. Most of mine where Empress with head and weapon swops.
The Bishop of Bath and Wells. |
The Bishop is nicked named 'Trigger' because I slipped when doing the conversion and cut off the end of the first finger of the right hand on the figure.
A converted Empress figure. Love this figure leather jacket and a Tommy Gun what more do you need? |
These are Muskeeter with Woodbine heads. |
More Empress with a black Cat post box to make it look more like England. |
So there you go a look at some early VBCW action.
2 from Muskeeter, the building is from Brigade Games. Their site is well worth a look.
http://www.brigadegames.com/ |
Early those games and pics may be, but there's nothing wrong with a bit of VBCW goodness. =)