Thursday, 30 August 2012

Some New Work

Warlord Patizan
 Having done a lot of conversion work on Empress figures I thought I'd do some on Warlord figures. I've also used some Warlord heads on Brigade Games and Musketeer figures.
After having the work done
 As you can see from this picture I changed the rifle and gave the figure a British helmet.
 I'm going to do the other figure with an ammo box instead of the stick grenade.
Brigade Games figure with Warlord Head
 I wanted to add an Officer and LMG to the BUF Auxiliary I've already done, so used Warlord Tam heads on these 3 figures.
Musketeer with Warlord Head

Musketeer with Warlord Head

Painted Figure

Painted Figure

Painted Figure
Next up will be some more Warlord Partisan conversions.

Thursday, 16 August 2012

Blasts From the Past

An early table. Not much cover.
 As I seem to have about 1000 VBCW photo's i thought I'd start to put some on the blog. These are from some of the first games I played at my old house.

BUF armoured skip.
 We started with the idea of mixing Empress and Muskeeter. Most of mine where Empress with head and weapon swops.
The Bishop of Bath and Wells.
 The Bishop is nicked named 'Trigger' because I slipped when doing the conversion and cut off the end of the first finger of the right hand on the figure.
A converted Empress figure. Love this figure leather jacket and a Tommy Gun what more do you need? 

These are Muskeeter with Woodbine heads.

More Empress with a black Cat post box to make it look more like England.
 So there you go a look at some early VBCW action.
2 from Muskeeter, the building is from Brigade Games. Their site is well worth a look.

Monday, 6 August 2012

Sorry It's Been a While

Small gate
 Sorry its been so long since I posted anything. I got sidetracked on to the Russian Civil War. If people are intrested then I'll post some photo's here.
5 Bar gate, old wall section and tree
 We now have a VBCW website this was setup by Ook and is doing very well. Please drop in for a look round.
5 Bare gate GW hedge
These gates where made by at the same time as the stiles. They are stuck to tongue depressers I got from ebay.
The next big thing will be the 2 day vbcw game at Gripping Beast at the end of October. 15+ players on Saturday! The background fluff for the players ran to 5000 words in the end. The political manoeuvreing has started. I can't say to much as most of the players follow the blog.