Giles's tank |
Giles arrived with 2 tanks and a platoon of infantry. With the AT gun destroyed he could advance on the bridge.
Ook's command group |
On the other table Ook moved to out-flank Allan and Andy.
Andy's Royalist militia |
Andy advanced in to an orchard to try and stop Ook. His Royalists supported by some policemen.
Andy's section attack on the farm. |
Another section of Andy's moved down to farm ready to fight it out with Smillie's Anglican League.
1 of Jim's Officers waiting for the BUF. |
Jim and Rob spread out along the river to try and stop the BUF.
Jims Chrusher moves to engage the BUF |
Both sides closed up, with Matt's HMG cutting down most of a section of the Anglican League.
More soon.
Looks like a great game there Mort and I love the flags.