Sunday, 25 March 2012

Brigade Games Order


My order from Brigade Games has arrived so I am now the proud owner of 50 Lewis guns!
I also have 2 packs of their Chinese and 1 of their Turkish figures.
More Chinese
 As you can see from the pictures the Chinese are smaller, I was going to give them Empress heads but this would look wrong.
Turkish gun crew
 I did order some Gripping Beast heads at the same time so I'm going to use those instead. I'm also going to change their rifles to Assault Group Lee Enfields which should make them look like boy soilders.
With an Empress figure so you can see the size diffrence
This was one of the plans for the figures, and I think it will work well. I'll post some pictures when I've done the work.

Monday, 19 March 2012

Another Job Finished

Finished this last night and took some pictures. 3 more converted Empress figures, the mortar is from Assault Group.
This one will be up for sale, along with some rifleman. I'm having a bit of a clear out to make some space.
My order from Brigade Games is in the post, along with some figures from Artizan. I'll post some photo's of these when they arrive before they get the chop.

Wednesday, 7 March 2012

More Royalists

 Here is some more finished work, this time a anti-tank rifle for my growing force of Royalists.
The figures are from Musketeer and the heads from Empress. Pete has been showing off his fancy basing on GWP so I thought I'd better up my game with these.
So far we've sold 10 copies of the book and had some good feed back, so I hope it will sell well.